Monday, December 14, 2009

No, it's not an MP3 player, cell phone or other item. It's an INSULIN PUMP!

I was at wal mart today, when my pump did its little vibrate thing. I think it was time for me to check my glucose. Didn't want to break out the finger stick kit in line, so I figured I'd just turn off the reminder and wait to get done with the line and get into the car to do the deed. No biggie.

So, the person behind me in line gave an audible sigh. She mentioned something about my generation not being able to unplug from our devices for even a few minutes to check out with groceries.

Umm. Yeah. Right.

So, I whip around and say:
"if you must know, this is an insulin pump. Right now, it's vibrating for me to check my sugar. If I don't turn it off, it will vibrate every 3 minutes until I turn it off."

I turned around and went back to unloading my groceries onto the belt.

Wonder how red she was when she found out what I was really doing....

And some days, I have to dress up. I don't want to clip my pump to the outside of things. Not a chance! So, Doug got me a pump case that's an MP3 player case. Much better than getting a real, honest to goodness pump case, because those are like 30.00. This case? 12.00. So, to make sure that I liked it and it would fit, I was trying my pump in all of the cases. I had a woman look at me and say...

"you know, it would be easier if you just took the phone off of your body and tried it that way..."


again-I had to enlighten this person that this is NOT a phone or other device like was an insulin pump and was NOT to be disconnected from my body.


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