It was working ok,but the adhesive on one side was always coming off, and I just would bump it too much to be effective. My educator thought I was going to lose my sites to scar tissue and all of that happy stuff. Not something I want to do. I want to keep all of my sites as viable as possible!
So, while in her office on Monday, we went over a few different options and she reccommended the Shillouette. Totally interesting, as I'd really not looked at these before. It's a one shot deal, none of the double adhesive, but it requires a fixed prime...
SOOO, when they arrived after yet ANOTHER Edgepark debacle (I'll detail that another time) I made a call to Medtronics to find out about the fixed prime and what it takes to prime this set. The other set was just a simple connect it all and run some insulin through it, done. This set, because it has an inserter, I wasn't sure what the dealio was.
I get on the phone with medtronics and get through the first section of the prime and then I was told to insert the cannula and all of that...and then we'd start the fixed prime.
I was attempting to insert the dang thing and wondering WHY this sucker wasn't going in at all....
Then, I heard the voice on the other end of the phone (I had put it down) say something. I picked it up...and the medtronics rep said...
"don't forget to take the needle guard off.."
I hadn't thought of that.
Yeah, I was sitting there trying to jam the sucker into my body WITH THE STUPID NEEDLE GUARD on it. What an idiot I am!!
after that, it was all good.
I swear. I got a scratched up tummy just for being an idiot.
Wonder what I'll do next...
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